BruceMorrison, PhD
Director,English Language Centre
TheHong Kong Polytechnic University
DrBruce Morrison is Director of the English Language Centre at The Hong KongPolytechnic University where, in 1996, he established and coordinated theCentre for Independent Language Learning. Having previouslyworked in the Chinese mainland, Italy, South Korea, Malaysia, Spain and the UK,he has extensive experience in language teaching, curriculum development,teacher education, educational research and pedagogic administration. He earnedhis PhD in 2003 focusing on the evaluation of independent language learningenvironments. His research interests include the non-native speaker tertiarylearning experience, independent and self-access language learning, andtechnology enhanced language learning. His more recent research has focusedspecifically on the transition to an EMI university environment for non-nativeEnglish speaking students – the challenges they face and the strategies theydevelop to overcome these. As well as serving on a number of journal editorialand review boards and participating in numerousfunded projects, he has published widely andhas presented at international conferences in the fields of education, Englishlanguage learning and teaching, independent learning, and technology-enhancedlearning and teaching. In addition to co-editing three books, he edited thebook Independent Learning: Building on experience, seeking newperspectives (Hong Kong University Press).
EAPinstruction in Hong Kong universities: Bridging the gap between school andtertiary English Medium Instruction (EMI)
Thetransition from secondary to tertiary education is one that can be a cause ofconcern for any school-leaver, situating them as it does in an unfamiliarlearning environment which presents a number of challenges. For non-nativeEnglish speakers whose previous learning experience was in a first-languagemedium, the challenges can be very much greater. In this presentation, I willexamine some ways in which Hong Kong universities help primarilyCantonese-speaking undergraduate freshmen study effectively in anEnglish-medium instruction environment, briefly discuss findings from aresearch project that investigated the challenges that these learners face, andsuggest some ways in which EMI universities might better support such students
Jinyan Huang, Ph.D.
Professor and Ph.D. Faculty
College of Education
Niagara University
Lewiston, New York
Dr. Jinyan Huang iscurrently a tenured full professor and full-timePh.D. faculty member at the College of Education of Niagara University,responsible for teaching advanced quantitative research methods coursesincluding assessment and measurement and supervising Ph.D. dissertations. Dr. Huang earned his Ph.D. (2007) in measurement and quantitativeresearch methods from Queen's University at Kingston in Canada. As part of hisPh.D. program, he studied at the Centre for Research in Applied Measurement andEvaluation (2004) at the University of Alberta in Canada. Dr. Huang’s areas ofresearch center on large-scale assessment, leadership, and policy issues.Specifically, he is interested in the following three issues: a) factors orlevel of factors that affect students’ large-scale standardized test scores; b)assessment issues (reliability, validity, and fairness) in schools anduniversities; and c) the use of assessment data for supporting leadership andpolicies. Such a focus enables Dr. Huang to concentrate on the use of hisresearch expertise in multivariate statistical methods, factor analysis andstructural equation modeling, hierarchal linear modeling, generalizability theory, item response theory,and geographic information system. Heis currently serving as editor of Languageand Communication Quarterly and Leadership and Policy Quarterly. He is also serving as an editorial review boardmember of TESOL Journal and World Journal of Education, and areviewer forTheModern Language Journal,Assessing Writing, Language Assessment Quarterly,Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly, Journal ofEducational Administration, Asia-Pacific Journal of Education, Journal ofExcellence in College Teaching, Measurement, International Journal of Testing,Behavior Research Methods, and Learning and IndividualDifferences.
Dual-degreeEducation and the Internationalization of Chinese Higher Education: Challengesand Implications
Internationalization is a major trend in higher education. It hasbecome a worldwide phenomenon. The internationalization in higher education isthe process of integrating an international perspective into a college oruniversity system. The internationalized curricula, theinternationalized classrooms, the internationalizedcampuses, the internationalized talents, and dual degree programs are the hot topics in thecurrent research of the internationalization of higher education. Thiskeynote speech provides an overview of dual degree programs in American highereducation as well as the internationalization of Chinese Higher Education. Italso reports the results of an empirical study examining undergraduatestudents’ satisfaction with the English dual degree programs at Wuhan Instituteof Technology. Important educational implications are discussed.
Dr. John Spiridakis
Interim Chair and Professor Education
The School Of Education
St. John’s University
New York, U.S.A
Dr. John Spiridakis obtained his Ph.D. from The Florida StateUniversity and J.D. from Cardozo School of Law. He serves as InterimChair, Department of Education Specialties, and is Professor of Graduateeducation programs in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)and Bilingual Education, in the School of Education. He is responsiblefor leading the Graduate Special Education, Literacy and TESOL EducationPrograms including the Distance Learning option for students and Global TESOLcourses and field experiences in several countries. He also has led many, andcurrently leads, national and state funded projects to research best practicesfor preparing educators and enhancing the achievement of English learners andneglected immigrant students. He was director of a multi-country European Unionproject to research and improve Greek second and heritage language educationacross the U.S.A. that included the collaboration of several universities inEurope, Australia, Canada and South America. Dr. Spiridakis has also lecturedat, facilitated partnerships between, St. John’s University’s School ofEducation and several universities in China to promote joint programs andstudent/faculty exchange programs. He has recently served as a consultant forthe European Union to evaluate Schools of Education and universities in Greece.Dr. Spiridakis has numerous publications and has lectured at international,national and local conferences in the field of education for language minoritygroups. He co-authored the chapter “Greek in New York City” in theMultilingual Apple: Languages in a City and recently co-edited a book Interculturalismin the 21st Century: prospects and challenges.
Designing,Managing and Evaluating Higher Education Exemplary Practices Programs for Englishas a New Language Educators
Thiskeynote speech articulates the critical curricular themes, content, managementplan and evaluation components of a professional development program that seeksto assure its quality in preparing teachers and administrators working withEnglish learners. Different governments have provided funds to help handle theeducational needs of these children and adolescent and adults learning Englishas a new language. Educators around the world can benefit from identifying keylanguage scaffolding techniques, for example, and other exemplary approaches toEnglish as a new language instruction. By the same token, management andevaluation strategies pose special challenges for educators in the public aswell as private sectors. This speech seeks to illuminate these areas withspecific examples of successful programs.
Director,LCT Centre for Knowledge-Building, University of Sydney
ProfessorKarl Maton is Director of the LCT Centre for Knowledge-Building at theUniversity of Sydney in Australia and Visiting Professor at Rhodes Universityand the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa. Professor Matoncompleted three degrees at the University of Cambridge in England and moved toAustralia in 2005. Professor Maton is the creator and architect of LegitimationCode Theory (LCT), a framework for studying and shaping knowledge practices.LCT is now the basis of a multidisciplinary and international community ofscholars and educators (see www.legitimationcodetheory.com or www.karlmaton.com). ProfessorMaton’s work includes: the founding text of LCT, Knowledge and Knowers:Towards a realist sociology of education, (2014); a collection showing howto enact LCT in research Knowledge-building: Educational studies inLegitimation Code Theory (2016); and forthcoming collections on how LCT hasinfluenced systemic functional linguistics (Accessing Academic Discourse)and using both approaches to explore science education (Studying Science). Professor Maton is the editor of the book series ‘Legitimation CodeTheory: Knowledge-building in research and practice’, published by Routledge.The book Knowledge and Knowers has been translated into Chinese and willbe published by Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press by October 2019.
Integrating knowledge: How LCT could helpsupport English with other subjects
Akey question for education is how to bring together different forms ofknowledge. In many countries school teachers and university lecturers mustintegrate teaching study skills with teaching their subject areas. Scholarsoften need to bring together different disciplines in their research. In‘interdisciplinary English’, how to integrate English with subject areas is acrucial question.
Inthis talk I will briefly illustrate how concepts from Legitimation Code Theory(LCT) may be able to help address this question. LCT is a theoretical frameworkfor analysing and shaping practice. LCT is the focus of a multidisciplinary andinternational community of scholars and educators who use the approach toexamine teaching and learning across the disciplinary map. Specifically, Ishall discuss new LCT concepts of ‘autonomy codes’ which conceptualize whereknowledge practices come from and for what purpose they are used. I illustratewhat these concepts can reveal through analyses of classroom data from a majorresearch project on teaching practice. My example is not from‘interdisciplinary English’, but one of the strengths of LCT is that the conceptsand analysis are valuable in any subject area. My example comes from theteaching of History in secondary school in Australia. I shall analyse howteachers attempt to integrate two different forms of knowledge (academicHistory and everyday knowledge). The analysis shows how a particular way ofteaching called ‘autonomy tours’ is the key to successfully bringing togetherdifferent kinds of knowledge. The analysis also shows how teachers can fail tointegrate different kinds knowledge.
The way out for the Englishundergraduate programs in the University of Science and Engineering
英语是一个语言载体或工具,只有和某种知识结合,有着学科体系支撑才能成为专业。我国绝大多数理工类院校的英语专业都缺乏应有的英美文学或语言学学科知识体系,已沉沦为颁发学历文凭的新东方语言技能培训课程。英语专业是一个“伪专业”。这也是造成英语专业危机的根本。如果承认英语本身是一门工具,可以用来学习英美文学知识,为什么不可以用来学习科学技术知识。从英美文学专业发展到商务英语专业,已经突破了纯人文学科的界限。既然可以涉足社会学科,为什么不可再进一步到自然学科广阔天地去发展。发言围绕下面四点:1)探讨国家对新工科新理科复合型科技创新人才培养的急迫需要:2)阐述专业与学科的关系和学科学理标准;3)设计与“英美文学专业”和“商务英语专业”平行的 “工程英语专业”或“医学英语专业”的学科体系和课程体系:4)讨论新兴“工程英语专业”等的师资来源和培训。
文学博士,华中科技大学外国语学院教授、博士生导师,华中科技大学“华中学者”。研究兴趣涉及二语习得、语料库语言学、学术英语、计量语言学、语言研究方法、文献计量学等领域。目前担任中国学术英语教学研究会常务理事、中国英汉语比较研究会语料库语言学专业委员会理事;International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, Journal of English forAcademic Purposes, Studies in Higher Education 等国内外十余家期刊匿名审稿人。
Developing academic word lists: Keyissues and suggestions
English Academic vocabulary plays acritical role in the teaching and learning of academic English, and may affectlanguage learners’ academic achievement. In this talk, I review importantacademic word lists such as Academic Word List, Academic Vocabulary List, andAcademic Spoken Word List. I will also discuss key issues concerning thedevelopment of academic word lists, such as academic or general words, and theuse of word families, lemmatization, and part-of-speech tagging. I end the talkwith some suggestions for future research in the development of academic wordlists, particularly from a multidisciplinary perspective.

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