John Spiridakis:Designing, Managing and Evaluating Higher Education Exemplary Practices Programs for English as a New Language Educators
原创:John Spiridakis整理:张艳梅 2019-4-1
2019年3月29日至31日,由bat365官网登录入口和中国学术英语教学研究会联合主办,外语教学与研究出版社、上海外语教育出版社、北京文华在线教育科技股份有限公司协办,bat365官网登录入口承办的“新时代跨学科复合型英语人才培养模式国际研讨会“在bat365官网登录入口成功召开。研讨会共有12位来自海内外的知名专家做大会主旨发言,其中杨信彰教授、雷蕾教授、Karl Maton 、Jinyan Huang、John Spiridakis、Bruce Morrison六位专家全程用英文做主旨发言。现将六位主旨发言专家的发言摘要分6篇依次整理或简要介绍,以飨读者。
本文为第4篇,对Dr. John Spiridakis于2019年3月31日上午在“新时代跨学科复合型英语人才培养模式国际研讨会“上所作的大会主旨发言作简要介绍,并附上英文摘要对照稿。
Dr. John Spiridakis
Dr. John Spiridakis所作的主旨发言题为“Designing, Managing and Evaluating Higher Education Exemplary Practices Programs for English as a New Language Educators”(对外英语教学者——高等教育示范实践项目的设计、管理与评价)。
Dr. John Spiridakis在主旨发言中阐述了用以保证教师和管理者更好地帮助英语学习者的、专业发展项目的关键课程主题、内容、管理方案和评估要素。不同的政府为了处理好儿童、青年和成人的教育需求,在对外英语方面的投入有所不同。
Dr. John Spiridakis认为,世界范围内的教育工作者都可以从关键的语言累积技巧,以及其他的对外英语教学方法中得到启发。他提到,管理和评估策略也是私立乃至公立学校教育工作者所面临的挑战。同时,Dr. John Spiridakis还具体为我们展示了相关领域的示范实践项目。
附:Dr. John Spiridakis 简要介绍及发言英文摘要
Dr. John Spiridakis obtained his Ph.D. from The Florida State University and J.D. from Cardozo School of Law. He serves as Interim Chair, Department of Education Specialties, and is Professor of Graduate education programs in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) and Bilingual Education, in the School of Education. He is responsible for leading the Graduate Special Education, Literacy and TESOL Education Programs including the Distance Learning option for students and Global TESOL courses and field experiences in several countries. He also has led many, and currently leads, national and state funded projects to research best practices for preparing educators and enhancing the achievement of English learners and neglected immigrant students. He was director of a multi-country European Union project to research and improve Greek second and heritage language education across the U.S.A. that included the collaboration of several universities in Europe, Australia, Canada and South America. Dr. Spiridakis has also lectured at, facilitated partnerships between, St. John’s University’s School of Education and several universities in China to promote joint programs and student/faculty exchange programs. He has recently served as a consultant for the European Union to evaluate Schools of Education and universities in Greece. Dr. Spiridakis has numerous publications and has lectured at international, national and local conferences in the field of education for language minority groups. He co-authored the chapter “Greek in New York City” in the Multilingual Apple: Languages in a City and recently co-edited a book Interculturalism in the 21st Century: prospects and challenges.
Designing, Managing and Evaluating Higher Education Exemplary Practices Programs for English as a New Language Educators
This keynote speech articulates the critical curricular themes, content, management plan and evaluation components of a professional development program that seeks to assure its quality in preparing teachers and administrators working with English learners. Different governments have provided funds to help handle the educational needs of these children and adolescent and adults learning English as a new language. Educators around the world can benefit from identifying key language scaffolding techniques, for example, and other exemplary approaches to English as a new language instruction. By the same token, management and evaluation strategies pose special challenges for educators in the public as well as private sectors. This speech seeks to illuminate these areas with specific examples of successful programs.